Complaints Policy


Levendi Investment Management Limited aims to provide the highest possible standards of service to all clients at all times. Consequently, it is always disappointing when a client has cause to complain. We welcome the opportunity to resolve any complaint in a prompt and fair manner.

Should you feel the need to make a complaint please contact us either by email or in writing:

Levendi Investment Management

1 Heddon Street

London, W1B 4BD

We make complaints our highest priority and find that most issues can be resolved in a timely manner. There may be times, if the investigation is complex and / or further enquiries must be made, that the process may take longer. In these circumstances, we shall keep you informed of any progress.

Investigating Your Complaint

Under most circumstances Frank Copplestone, will be handling your complaint and will communicate with you directly.

Levendi Investment Management will send you a written acknowledgement within two working days following the receipt of your complaint. If possible, we will provide a resolution at the same time. If we require more information to resolve the matter we will make a request in writing.