Terms of Use and Special Notice

The contents of this website are communicated by, and the property of, Levendi Investment Management Ltd. Levendi Investment Management Ltd (FRN: 783607) is an appointed representative of Thornbridge Investment Management LLP (FRN: 713859) which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (“FCA”).

It has come to our attention that an enterprise, which is in no way connected to Levendi Investment Management Limited, is using the name Levendi Capital Limited and offering financial services via a website with the following address – www.levendifx.com. The website is creating a false and misleading suggestion of a link with Levendi Investment Management Limited by using the Levendi name and by cloning certain details including our contact address and FCA registration number. There is no connection whatsoever between Levendi Investment Management Limited and this enterprise. Nor is there any connection whatsoever between the dormant company Levendi Capital Limited which registered in the UK under company number 12799142 and this enterprise. We are pursuing all viable legal avenues to protect our intellectual property and remove any suggestion of a link via cloned details or by any other means.

Products and Services

The information contained herein is current at the date of publication, but is subject to change without notice. Levendi Investment Management Ltd has expressed its own views and opinions on this website, and these may change without notice. This website is not directed at you if Levendi Investment Management Ltd is prohibited by any law of any jurisdiction from making the information on this site available to you and is not intended for any use that would be contrary to local law or regulation. None of the information contained on this website is intended to constitute any offer to sell or an invitation or solicitation of an offer to buy any product or service by Levendi Investment Management Ltd and must not be relied upon in connection with any investment decision. Products or services mentioned on this site are subject to legal and regulatory requirements in applicable jurisdictions and may not be available in all jurisdictions. Accordingly persons are required to inform themselves of and observe any such restrictions. Nothing in this website should be construed as investment, tax, legal or other advice.

Risk Warning

Past performance is not necessarily a guide to future performance. The value of investments and the income of any financial instruments mentioned in the website may fall as well as rise, and investors may get back less than the amount originally invested. Fluctuations in exchange rates may have a positive or an adverse effect on the value of foreign-currency denominated securities and financial instruments. Certain investments involve an above-average degree of risk and should be seen as long-term in nature. The investment products and services described in the website may have tax consequences. Any tax reliefs referred to are those currently available and their value depends on the circumstances of the individual investor. You acknowledge that levels and bases of taxation may change, and that Levendi Investment Management Ltd does not provides tax advice. You should consult your own tax advisor in order to understand the tax consequences of the products and services described in the website.

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All information or data sent to Levendi Investment Management Ltd via this site, by email or in any other way connected with consulting this site will be handled in accordance with statutory and regulatory requirements. As a visitor to, or person using, this site, you hereby agree Levendi Investment Management Ltd and its relevant associated entities may record, retain and process any personal data that relates to you for the following purposes: the management of Levendi Investment Management Ltd clients, including new business prospects, management of the contractual relationship, the prevention of irregularities, generating statistics and tests and for marketing purposes for relevant financial products and services. Levendi Investment Management Ltd may ask you to provide your name and personal contact details if you wish to access tools and models via this site. Access to personal data gathered via this site is restricted to those persons who require this data in order to carry out their duties. You also agree that this data may be passed on to all entities associated with Levendi Investment Management Ltd for the same purposes or to other persons in order to comply with any statutory obligation or in the event of legal interests. You also agree with such notification should the receiving person or entity be located outside the European Union, regardless of whether an adequate level of protection can be guaranteed for personal data in the country of receipt.



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On this website you may be offered automatic links to other non-Levendi Investment Management Ltd websites. These links are provided only as convenience. Levendi Investment Management Ltd does not accept any responsibility for the content of those websites or your use or inability to use such websites, the owners of which do not necessarily have any link, commercial or otherwise, with Levendi Investment Management Ltd. The inclusion of any link does not imply affiliation, sponsorship, endorsement, verification or monitoring or approval by Levendi Investment Management Ltd of any information contained in any non-Levendi Investment Management Ltd website. You should also be aware that the terms and conditions of such website and the website’s statement relating to the collection and use of your personal information may be different from those applicable to your use of this website.



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