International Share Class





Three new international  share classes are now available to offshore investors through our distributor Global Wealth Management Solutions. There will be three classes; institutional (I) accumulation, retail (R) accumulation and retail (R) distribution. They have been specifically designed to meet the needs of international investors and are eligible for SIPPs, QROPS and QNUPS.

 Reasons to invest:

  • Low volatility
  • Positive returns under most market conditions
  • Daily liquidity
  • Expert management
  • Access to institutional defined return investments
  • A degree of protection
  • Active risk management
  • Diversified market exposure
  • Diversified issuer exposure & active credit management
View Factsheet



For offshore investors please review the below to find your best point of contact:

David Parker – CEO – Belgium, Holland, Luxembourg, Israel and the Caribbean.

Mobile +44 (0)7785 231333

Simon Voysey – Sales Partner – Channel Islands, Iberia, Middle East and Asia.

UK Mobile +44 (0)7833 674 188

James Haupt – International Sales Director – Africa, Mauritius, South America, Middle East (NRI & Institutional markets).
M: +27 661 750576

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